Former State Representative Lary Swoboda Called Mentor By Joe Majeski, Current Candidate For Assembly

If one waits long enough just about anything is possible to witness.

I have no personal knowledge of Joe Majeski, who has retired as principal at Sevastopol Schools, and now seeks election as a Democrat in the First Assembly District.  So I can not state how sincere or fully thought out it was when Majeski announced who his political mentor happens to be.

Majeski’s social studies teacher in Casco was Lary Swoboda.  The candidate now calls Swoboda his mentor in politics.  While it is true that Swoboda represented the district as a Democrat from 1971 to 1994, does not mean he was the most effective member of the assembly or  held the respect that his longevity in office might lead one to believe was the case.

Majeski has stated he will focus on problem-solving, not politics, in the same vein that Swoboda did while in office.  On the surface that sounds great.  Who would not welcome making policy that meets the needs of the electorate as opposed to just creating political rhetoric?

While I can testify to many fine points about the character of Swoboda, who I worked with for many years in his office, I am quite sure that naming him as a mentor for political purposes is not the path to success.  At least among those who follow politics in Wisconsin.

Swoboda was not a leader in the Democratic caucus, was derided for some of his policy ideas, and while he fought tooth and nail for his constituents he did so in such a fashion that he was labeled as eccentric by those under the dome.

Naming Swoboda who was a  back-bencher for over 20 years as a political mentor is rather strange.  That is not the starting point any candidate should saddle himself with when launching a race.

While there may have been a friendship between the two, and even deep respect, I have to question the political acumen of Majeski over this statement.

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