Is Republican U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham “Ambiguously Gay”?


Call it gaydar, if you wish, but I have felt for many years that Republican South Carolina U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham is gay.

In 2009 I said the following.

After all this turmoil can’t  South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham at least just wave from behind his closet door?

I also made this comment in 2010.

I think Senator Graham is one of the thoughtful and insightful Republicans who serve in the Congress.  I enjoy his attempts to try to sway me to his point of view when he is interviewed.  Having said that I often disagree with the South Carolina Senator.

I most certainly disagreed with Senator Graham when he voted to keep DADT the law of the land this past weekend.  Not only was the policy that barred gays from openly serving wrong, but Graham has long been rumored to be gay.

Living authentically is something I think is important for all people to do, but perhaps even more so for those who are elected to represent all the rest of us.

As such I  am following the news that Lindsey Graham may be about to be outed for being gay.

If that happens then I think it needs to be viewed in the following context.

One can rightfully argue that if our nation had been more humane and progressive when Lindsey Graham was in college, or in his early adult years, that his coming to terms with his sexuality would have been easier, and therefore not a newsworthy item.  That type of just society is one that liberals fight for every day. (Take note all your closeted conservatives….liberals have your best interest at heart.)   Those are the types of rights that are advocated from time to time on this blog.  When people are forced into the closet for whatever reason, and denied the right to live honestly, the results are the type of story that very well may play out in the headlines with Senator Graham.

Bottom line is I think Senator Graham had a duty to protect and fight for issues that impacted all of gay society.  Himself, included.

Now comes the news that one of Graham’s challengers this year in a right-wing Tea-Party inspired primary designed to make the nation even more politically inoperative has brought the gay issue to the top of the pile.

Four of U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham’s announced challengers in June’s Republican primary pledged support for each other Thursday if any of them end up in a runoff with the Seneca incumbent.

But a news conference announcing their alliance on the State House steps took an unexpected turn when the most minor of the candidates, Dave Feliciano of Spartanburg, took the podium and called Graham “ambiguously gay.”

Feliciano said, “It’s about time that South Carolina (says) hey, We’re tired of the ambiguously gay senator from South Carolina. We’re ready for a new leader to merge the Republican Party. We’re done with this. This is what it’s about, all of us coming together and saying, one way or the other, one of us is going to be on that ballot in November.”  

I have long thought that Graham wins this election, and serve again for another term in Washington.   But for everyone involved, including his own happiness and mental peace of mind let us hope he can come out as gay and live openly and thereby better serve the nation.

2 thoughts on “Is Republican U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham “Ambiguously Gay”?

  1. tom

    Feliciano seems to be making an issue of Lindsey Graham’s sexuality…perhaps he got the idea here? Personally, I think he is scum if that’s how he wants to play it, but they are just using the same tactic you have endorsed many times. See, one cannot say it is okay to make an issue of somebody’s sexuality, but only for the reasons I say. That would be hypocrisy.

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