WKOW-TV Uses News Time To ‘Report’ On Soup Pods!


What aired tonight is simply unexplainable for anyone who has a sense of what constitutes sound news worthiness.

I can not fathom that during the 10:00 P.M. broadcast WKOW-TV in Madison used actual news time to air a ‘report’ about Campbell’s new line of soup pods for Keurig coffee brewers!  They allotted 2 minutes and 12 seconds for this news nugget.  

Did they not know Madison City Council had a meeting and might have found some actual news there?   Are they not mindful that this is the capital city and viewers might have an IQ higher and want substance in their broadcasts?

But the story gets even more ludicrous than just thinking about the inane topic they covered.

Forget the fact that some reporter at WKOW was too (pick your own word) not to know that there is no way to just pour hot water over reconstituted noodles and vegetables and have it taste like anything one would consider putting in their mouth.

But it gets one step better–or worse–as the case may be.

I can not believe it took an actual dietitian to figure out that this product is pure crap! Most of us would just look at the ingredient list and rightly conclude that the product was pure junk.   For one thing the soup pods exceed the recommended amount of sodium to eat at one sitting.    To put that in another way one serving from a pod provides one-third of the sodium you should be consuming all day.

How can anyone at the news department at WKOW look in the mirror and be proud that this took up part of their broadcast?

2 thoughts on “WKOW-TV Uses News Time To ‘Report’ On Soup Pods!

  1. Rocketman

    I saw the segment. It was not just hot water added, as you use on soup products that have been on the market for years. It was hot water with the salt in it. Compared to so-called news reports, like “Moms Everyday Minute” on WMTV, that are simply advertising segments labeled as news, the soup pod segment was quality journalism!! At least they were running an ad, trying to sell a product, and calling it a news report. They were telling us that Campbell’s soup pods for your Keurig are crap and why they are crap, full of sodium and taste awful.

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