See Mount Vernon From Your Own Home

One of the highlights from our spring visit to Washington, D.C. was the one-day side trip to Mount Vernon.  There is no way to describe in any adequate manner the feelings I had standing on the front side of the famed home of President George Washington while looking down on the Potomac River.  I spent several minutes there in reflection and would have so loved to been able to sit with a cup of coffee and watch the sun lower over the home and water and sensed more fully what Washington would have seen so often.   We visited on one of those hot days when the humidity was very high and that suited me just fine so to experience the conditions that often confronted those who lived and worked on this large farm.

There is a most wonderful link to the entire home at Mount Vernon you can experience as a virtual tour.   If you want a thrill take a look.  But if you want to truly feel the awe plan your trip to this place on the banks of the Potomac.  History is calling you.

2 thoughts on “See Mount Vernon From Your Own Home

  1. Marilyn

    Hi, you told me about the river trips to get to Mount Vernon. Was looking forward to trying one earlier this month. Our trip had to be cancelled. Will save this virtual one for the moment. Thanks again..

  2. Marilyn,

    Sorry to hear that the trip did not take place as you wished. On a positive note now there is something to plan and think about for next year. All the best to you and yours as we head into the Holidays. It has turned into true fall here in Madison and snow squalls are only a few weeks away.

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