Following Brutal News Day For White House, How Unhinged Will Trump Be On Twitter Wednesday?

There are those perfect political storms.  Two powerful systems converged Tuesday when Paul Manafort was found guilt on 8 counts, and Michael Cohen made a guilty plea with tentacles which creep into Trump’s very actions.  The resulting crashing sound will be the overweight, and over-wrought Trump bumping into objects on his way to the bathroom in the White House so to tweet.

Tonight’s New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman tweets that “Trump folks are worried about impeachment more than before. The thinking goes like this: this is something tangible, not a theoretical. And it didn’t come from Mueller. Does not mean it will happen, but this has moved to a different stage in their minds.”

Today Johnathon Chait at the Daily Intelligencer wrote a powerful article.

Donald Trump ran for president as the professed candidate of “law and order,” a phrase he borrowed from Richard Nixon. He successfully portrayed his opponents — not only the Democratic presidential candidate, but the entire Establishment arrayed against him — as a corrupt oligarchy enriching itself at the public expense. By now, at this probably still-early point in the Mueller investigation, we know that Trump’s campaign manager, national security adviser, and personal attorney, along with two other campaign aides, are convicted and confessed felons.

It is common for Trump’s opponents to retreat into cynicism about the possibility for news events to damage Trump’s standing. It is certainly true that the president has tapped into a deep vein of cultural and racial revanchism, ensuring the irrevocable loyalty of a large segment of his base. But not every Trump voter was attracted to his gross bullying racism. Some simply overlooked or accepted it in the hopes that he would put his bullying to work for them, to “drain the swamp.” That criminality has proven to pervade his inner circle is visceral evidence of a broken faith with those voters who trusted this promise.

Today, a jury convicted Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign manager, of eight counts of tax and bank fraud. As recently as four days ago, Trump describedManafort as “a very good person.” Manafort is obviously deeply implicated in Russian government overseas political influence operations, more evidence of which may or may not emerge. (Manafort appears to be holding out for a presidential pardon, rather than share any incriminating information about trump with investigators.) What we know already is damning enough: Trump hired a crook to run his campaign.

Today’s near-simultaneous guilty plea of longtime Trump lawyer Michael Cohen is even more damning. Cohen, who is also the former vice-chairman for finance of the Republican National Committee, admitted to a number of crimes involving Trump. Like nearly everything Cohen did during his time as Trump’s “fixer,” he told the court he committed these crimes for Trump’s benefit and at his direction. Cohen paid off women who alleged affairs with Trump, and violated campaign-finance law.

One thought on “Following Brutal News Day For White House, How Unhinged Will Trump Be On Twitter Wednesday?

  1. Mark Phillips

    Because of the liberal support of open borders and illegals living in the country another young life was lost to these criminals they support but not a word of that all liberals could talk about was a rich bastard cheating on his taxes. So sad what you people have become

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