Thank You, Madison!

For the second night this week, I spent time at the UW-Madison Library Mall talking with both protestors of Israeli military policy in Gaza against Palestinians and with others who were gathered in solidarity with the issue. Wednesday night I sat on the lawn and talked with two women who were both journalism students (one was from Hurley and laughed when asked if all the snow had now melted in her hometown as her friend from Appleton smiled) and each was planning to pursue their careers as foreign news reporters. Each told me in their ways why the Palestinian issue was of interest long before October 2023, and why better-informed citizens would react differently in these moments of high tension and bombastic rhetoric. They were but two of the bright, earnest, and focused students I talked with, and each in their own way, gave me a dose of hope. There are various views around our city about Israel, Gaza, and the Palestinians. But there can only be one way to sum up and view the men and women who joined together, as one, at the Library Mall this week. They are hopeful. They know a better way forward starts with a dream of solving a slice of the problem. They know and are in their ways showing they understand problem-solving requires personal actions to try and bring that dream one step closer to reality. Older adults get jaded about what is possible. That is why it was refreshing to see young people wishing to better steer the nation away from the failures of our past. I am so proud that these young men and women have been peaceful and focused on their message. I am proud of the individual symphony orchestra musicians who brought their talents to the Mall and other folks in the city who brought pizza and water to the protestors. I am proud to live in a city where humanity is much in evidence.

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