Tony Evers Gets Wisconsin State Journal Endorsement

Straight to the heart of the matter.

Evers may lack polish and seem boring at times. But electing a lifelong educator instead of a professional politician should appeal to many voters tired of the bickering and partisan games at the state Capitol.

Change is needed at the top after eight years of Gov. Walker sowing division, undermining good-government protections, and skimping on basic services such as roads while running up debt.

Front Pages Of Pennsylvania Newspapers Cover Jewish Synagogue Slaughter From AR-15 Used By White Nationalist

These newspapers convey the mood of a nation.

Way Forward For Nation Might Happen By Looking Back To TR In 1883

Our nation is divided.  Political tribalism has a firm grasp on the populace.   Both parties say that the other one does not listen, or try to understand the position which is being advocated.  It is that theme in 2018 which has a historical connection back to 1883.

I was reading today about a Maine congressman, Thomas Reed, who eventually became Speaker of the House.  But as the story is evolving, Grover Cleveland the New York Democratic Governor, has vetoed a bill which would have rolled back fees for New York City’s much detested elevated railroads.   The bill was very popular as the corporate entity was the most hated in the state.

Republican Assemblyman Teddy Roosevelt had stood on the floor and denounced the railway company as “infernal thieves and conscienceless swindlers”.   It would seem there was no wiggle room in how he viewed the matter.

Cleveland did not truly think TR wrong in how he viewed the company, but instead made the point there was a contract with the state that needed to honored.  That was the basis for his veto.

Here, then, is where the thrust of this post is headed.

TR had voted for the bill, but when READING the veto message from the governor–of the other party--came to see the logic and wisdom of Cleveland.  The time to think and reflect allowed him to see he was wrong, and the other person right.

When making a public statement about his change of mind TR said, “It is a question of doing justice to ourselves.  It is a question of standing by what we honestly know is right. Even if in so doing we antagonize the feelings of our constituents.”

That is the bi-partisan lesson we need to hear in this nation–coast to coast.

Below is photo of the two men. GC and TR.

Cutting To The Chase

My fellow Americans,

No more thoughts and prayers!

You need to step up and address the moral decay that exists in the Donald Trump White House.

You need to address in a meaningful way needed gun control?

Otherwise, it is just meaningless words.

How Did America Get To This Place In 2018?

Mass Shooting Near Pittsburgh Synagogue–This Is Why White Nationalism Is Dangerous

Another day and another–I strongly suspect–angry white male making the news.

A suspect was in custody late Saturday morning after 11 people were killed at a synagogue outside Pittsburgh.  Three police officers were shot.  The shooter spoke about his desire to kills Jews.

Given the religious hatred that appears to be at the core of the shooting I can envision Donald Trump hard at work crafting his message that there were “many fine people on both sides.”

The bile and hate that is generated in this nation at the highest levels is creating most troubling and dangerous conditions for the nation.  Our citizens are literally under attack.  This week 13 pipe bombs were sent to prominent Democrats and there was a clear and direct threat made based on one’s political affiliation.  This morning a repugnant example of religious intolerance has occurred in a synagogue.  The chickens are coming home to roost from what white nationalists are sowing.

And the seeds that are being spread the heaviest is being done from this White House.  It comes as no surprise that hate crimes have spiked since Trump started to sit in the Oval Office.

We have yet to find out who used a gun today to spread blood and violence but I am sure that when we know it will not be a Muslim.  Nor a Latino immigrant.  Instead, I strongly suspect that it will be an angry white male.

A white nationalist.  A most dangerous and unstable element in the nation.

Guns in America: Time Brings National Issue To Light In A Most Illuminating Manner

One of this week’s must internet stops.  This is a unique way to understand this national tragedy.

The words we all need to not only hear, but understand. To grasp and then ponder.

How Many More Angry Males Like Cesar Sayoc? Right-Wing Nuts Prove To Be National Threat

Right-wing lunacy has made headlines this week with pipe bombs being mailed to prominent Democratic leaders. The Facebook account of Cesar Sayoc, the Florida man who was arrested today, has almost exclusively pro-Trump content, including pictures and videos Sayoc purportedly filmed at one of the president’s political rallies.  His Twitter feed is littered with far-right conspiracy theories or violent threats aimed at some of Donald Trump’s most outspoken critics.

His tweets falsely claimed the February 2018 mass shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, was a false-flag operation orchestrated by Soros and his liberal allies.  And on and one it goes with this type of ridiculousness.

I am very glad they have his backside in jail tonight where he will likely spend the rest of his life.  Sayoc’s Twitter feed reads like a greatest-hits of right-wing media anger and conspiracies.  But hsi rants are not unlike those of Trump and his followers who have no facts but still spew rot about Soros, Kaepernick, Benghazi, Fast & Furious, while bowing to all things reported on Fox News and their tribal elder Sean Hannity.

Right-wingers would be a joke if not so dangerous to public safety and our republic.  The mind-set of Sayoc, and many others as we all know, is directly related to that happens when free-thinking and factual basis is removed for group-think and idol worship of Donald Trump.

Trump has blamed the attempted murder of prominent political leaders on the press.  That is absolutely despicable.  These pipe bombs are just the next step in the war of terror being waged by white nationalists, white supremacists and members of the far right who are afraid of the changes that have come to the United States during the past several decades.  Boo-Hoo that they are not able to stay abreast of technological changes, advances in science, and wince at social progress for minorities.

The simple-minded who drink Trump’s Kool-Aid are lulled into thinking that the biggest threat is coming from a caravan of poor and desperate refugees.  But these white angry voters are missing the undermining of their health care and the give-a-way in tax cuts to the wealthiest in the land.  Trump has the right-wing looking for the object he wants to make glitter while he undermines the economic ladder and safety net that so many of that demographic rely on–even though many are not aware they get federal subsidies.

They spit and spew and make treats and now as we see, pipe bombs.  Clearly we know who needs watching in this nation.