Conservative ‘Birther’ Issue Is All About Racism

There will be those who will try to deny it, refute it, and be aghast that anyone would think such a thing.  But let’s be clear about one thing.

Those who blather on and on about President Obama and his birth certificate are doing so for one reason.  And one reason only.  They are racist and can not get over the fact that a black man is President of the United States and making decisions for this nation.

There is no…..repeat NO…rational way to evaluate the statements and attacks on President Obama regarding his birth certificate than to label it for what it is.


While I understand from a political perspective why the White House released President Obama’s 1961 birth certificate from the state of Hawaii, I am fundamentally opposed to the move.  Let’s be honest, there is nothing that will change the ‘birthers’ opinion due to the fact it is not based in logic, but instead is laced with only pure racism.  It is only a matter of hours before the wing-nuts start on something new regarding this issue.  That is the way a racist operates.

The whole idea of bringing up a black man’s birth certificate in the manner that the ‘birthers’ have done is only to make President Obama appear to be ‘foreign’.  It is to somehow make others think that we did not really elect a black man to lead this nation.  Even a half-wit can see the absence of fact and commonsense to the ‘birthers’.

The fact is America did elect a black man President of the United States.  I might add President Obama was elected by a very healthy margin.

I opposed the White House even entertaining the idea of releasing the long-form birth certificate, much less actually doing it, because the out-and-out craziness of the far-right in this country should not gain anything from their actions.

It is an insult to my intelligence, and that of my readers to allow for the insanity of the ‘birthers’  to have any recognition.  To pretend that the clap-trap that gets regurgitated on conservative talk  radio, and then spewed without any regard for seriousness or accuracy on FAUX News has any legitimacy is an insult to those of us who do  get enough oxygen to our brains.

The idea that some conservative wing-nuts can make any outlandish statement that pops into their heads, and then expect rational conversation about it is maddening.  There should be no quarters for idiots and those who only wish to foment controversy.

The ‘birthers’ created a controversy based on pure racism, and then were invited on television shows to defend their lunacy as if somehow what they claim was relevant.  Given the ‘birthers’  level of intelligence the next debate will be about if the sky looks blue.  Should we entertain that crap too?

Given that many people conducting interviews on TV are not trained in dealing with bat-shit crazy people, as the conservative birthers are, the end result is an audience that often thinks two sane people were just having a logical conversation.  

At the end of the day it must drive racists completely nuts to know they have a Commander-In-Chief who is black, and all they can do about it is try to attack his place of birth.

How does it feel to be so impotent?

4 thoughts on “Conservative ‘Birther’ Issue Is All About Racism

  1. Montana

    The GOP is like the “Chicken Littles” always saying that the “Sky is Falling”, like the same ones that were the “Chicken Hawks” (“W” Wars), big talk no courage.

    The United States, favors creativity wherever it can be found. We’re apostles of prosperity and defenders of the free exchange of ideas and when more people in more countries are free to rise, to invent, to communicate, to dissent, it’s not the doom of United States leadership, its the triumph of the American way.

    Generations have worked hard and sacrificed much for the country to reach this point (individuals and our unions!), and with further hard work and sacrifice (along with our relentless self-doubt) the United States will rise again, we do not tire and we are coming back, no matter what Fox news and their GOP “Chicken Littles” lackies keep saying about our nation. Never Bet Against the United States!

    Our current President travelled under a USA passport long before he was elected President, but I guess the quacky BIRTHERS, must believe that the USCIS – United States Passport was in on the lie, please, grow up, you are wrong! Remember when some contractors were busted during the “George W. Bush” administration for looking at our current President passport file (how quick you forget).

    The Birthers just HATE and can’t debate!
    Have any of the quacky BIRTHERS presented any credible proof that will standup in court? Answer: No
    Have any of the quacky BIRTHERS won any Court Cases? Answer: No
    They are just mainly backward, uneducated, white people who HATE our half African American President.

    The majority of the voting public ask “where the proof”, show some proof BIRTHERS or the voting majority will continue to see you as dumb, stupid or racist, maybe all three. Can you blame them?

    Still, I really hope one of these retreads and blowhards runs for president, not because they have a chance of winning but because I like to see the train wreck that they will cause.

    Faux News Candidates:
    former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin ”The I graduated Early”,
    former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, R-Ga. “The I Love The Interns”,
    former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee “The Huckster Reverend”,
    former Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa. “The I Love the Gays”,
    former UN Ambassador John Bolton “The I Love The War ”

    I Finance Myself:
    real estate celebrity developer, Donald Trump, “I took my Casino into Bankruptcy, just imagine where I can Take the US”
    former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney “The Flip-Flopping Fudger”,
    former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush “The I Am Not My “Dumb Ass” Brother”,

    Employed Long Shots:
    Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn. “The History, I Don’t Need No Stink’n History”

  2. Pingback: i know what racism looks like « Haight68Ashbury l Always Genuine, Raw, and Real!

  3. Kayle

    Generations have worked hard and sacrificed much for the country to reach this point (individuals and our unions!), and with further hard work and sacrifice (along with our relentless self-doubt) the United States will rise again, we do not tire and we are coming back, no matter what Fox news and their GOP “Chicken Littles” lackies keep saying about our nation. Never Bet Against the United States!

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