Was Pakistan Involved In Killing Of Osama Bin Laden?

My first thought when I heard the news that Osama Bin Laden was killed was where do we go from here.  I was not expecting the news on a late Sunday night that the most-wanted man in the world had been killed.  When I did hear the news my mind did not go back to 9/11 but instead searched for news on how this event occurred within Pakistan.  At a time when Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda had a wide swath of support in the country that neighbors Afghanistan, how did the Pakistan government play a role in the killing?

This will be one of the major spokes of this story, and I have been following that part of the news for a couple of hours.

There are many reports from NBC and CNN over what happened in Pakistan, and how much the Pakistani government and military were aware of what was being planned that finally ended with the killing of Bin Laden on Sunday.  These reports are very important, and how this took place in Pakistan over the past days and weeks will have a huge impact on how this region moves forward in the months to come.

NBC is reporting that for U.S. security needs Pakistan was not informed about  the months of preparation for the attack on the compound where Bin Laden was living.  It has long been reported that the internal security forces in Pakistan have members who support Al-Qaeda, and have posed problems with leaks about planned attacks.   That is easy to understand, and makes sense from a U.S. military planning perspective to keep the mission secret.

However, CNN reported online that Pakistan had members of Pakistan’s intelligence service – the ISI –  on site in Abbotabad, Pakistan, during the operation that killed  bin Laden.

Later CNN reported much the same as NBC.

 A senior administration official told reporters that U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration did not share intelligence gathered before the attack on bin Laden in Pakistan with any other country – including Pakistan – for security reasons.

As much as the world is correctly lifted by the news over the end to Bin Laden, the very last thing we need would be for a totally unilateral effort where Pakistan was not involved with, or privy to the plans until the time military action was underway, or until after it was completed.  The complexity of the reasons for keeping Pakistan stable and in a working mode with US interests is vital.  Having the U.S. take the bold but necessary steps it did without Pakistan’s involvement will roil those elements hostile to the current Pakistani government, and make our mission in the region far more tenuous.  It will make Pakistan look weak if their airspace was invaded, and  a mission of this scope took place without their knowledge or involvement.

It may seem like there are no good military or diplomatic options at times in many places around the globe.  Often that is the case, and tonight we are witnessing one of those moments seemingly play out.

We now know which story is going to drive the week.

6 thoughts on “Was Pakistan Involved In Killing Of Osama Bin Laden?

  1. Common sence

    Do people really believe that Pakistan was completly unaware of this whole operation! LMAO ! what a joke! who can really believe that. Pakistan would not allow thier air space to be invaded by 4 helicopters and all the whole operation was done with the consent and approval of Pakistan. But all in all a good day for all.

  2. Al

    The news that Osama bin Laden is dead will bring great relief to people across the world. Osama bin Laden was responsible for the worst terrorist atrocities the world has seen – for 9/11 and for so many attacks, which have cost thousands of lives, many of them British. It is a great success that he has been found and will no longer be able to pursue his campaign of global terror.

  3. ahmer qamar

    As a pakistani, it disturbs me that osama was found in a military dominated town where one of the military’s premier Kakul academy is. It is events such as this that solidify the perception that there is a significant level of support for such elements in the military.

    This is not only distrubing, but shameful for us as a country. I as a citizen of Pakistan would like to see Pakistan enter into an era whereby we are respected as a responsible nation. I hope this comes in our lifetime.

  4. usman

    some sources suggested that .U.S played a double game with the ISI, the operation had to be taken out by the ISI but for some reason(i think obama needed that badbly) they didnt want to wait anymore and carryout the operation telling the pakistani agencies at the 11th hours.local people tell that pakistani secret servies had already cordoned-off the house before the attack took place and according to some people ,some of the personals who landed from the chopper spoke pashto(they told everyone to stay back).wierd

  5. SD

    According to the neighbors three Helicopters took part in the operation. One down due to the technical reason. According to the front door neighbors the operation by the so called American Seals was still in operation when the Pakistani army vehicles started to reach at the site. It proves that if this operation was with out the knowledge of Pakistan army then they had good 20 to 30 minutes to down these unknown Helicopters. By the way Pakistan Air force is at red alert in these areas since this war started in the tribal areas. If PAF jets can intercept Indian Jet Fighters which entered into Pakistani air space for just couple of minutes then this is all bull …. that Pakistani forces were unaware of this attack. This whole story is made-up to make Americans proud of their forces who are loosing this war in Afghanistan.

  6. Laura

    Seriously, why would the US notify Pakistan beforehand? For years your givernment has denied that bin Laden was in Pakistan, treating the US as fools, and spewing lies and false gratitude. Bottom line, you essentially had 6 years to give him up and didn’t. Bottom line, we went in and got him ourselves. Why? We didn’t want to risk someone in your country tipping him off and us losing him again. We have pulled the proverbial wool from over our eyes, and now US citizens are laughing at your government scrambling to come up with excuses to continue our aid to you. Classic: hate the stupid americans but love american money.

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