Sarah Palin Blistered by Joe McGinniss In “The Rogue”

It really does not blister better than this.

[Sarah Palin] has no friends any more. She has no political allies. She has no supporters. Her greed, her blatant stupidity and her malevolent personality have driven them all away. She’s painted herself into a corner from which she cannot escape. The poison she’s spewed throughout her public and private adult life is now seeping back into that corner, and poor little Sarah has nowhere to hide….Joe McGinnis, author of the upcoming Palin biography “Rogue.”

McGinnis quotes from former GWBush speechwriter David Frum’s sayonara to Sarah:

Within days of the announcement of Palin as GOP running mate, it became obvious to everybody that she could not pronounce two coherent consecutive sentences on any aspect of national policy, foreign or domestic. A lot of effort went into arguing that this ignorance did not matter, or even that it represented a weird kind of plus factor. Three years later, we no longer hear such excuses for Palin. But it remains true even now that Republicans do not take intelligence or expertise very seriously as qualifications for the presidency.

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