19-Year-Old Julio Osegueda Shows How Obama Changed Politics


Since I do not listen to the right-ring rants on talk radio, I do not ever get a chance to hear those that live under rocks, or what they think.  It is for that reason I find some of these comments generated by this post truly amazing.  There is, I am finding, a deep-seated resentment by some to Julio Osegueda, and the fact he has energy, verve, and the ability to communicate.   What I and millions of other Americans saw as a robust and healthy exchange between a citizen and his President,  was viewed by some who live in the land of three thumbs as sinister, or worst.  I have posted all the comments that I felt were within line using my editorial judgement, but did have to delete almost as many as I posted based on language or other vile words that might get used under the rocks, but are rejected by those who live in the sun on the surface of the earth.

I had no idea that this post, which I thought was really an all-American feel good about your country topic, (after all I started out in radio too) would turn into one where those who are perpetually upset because the country is not conservative enough, or feel jealous because someone had air time on national TV, or can not recover from the fact they were handed their fat ass on a platter on election day would carp and carry on in the manner they have. 

It just goes to confirm that some conservatives are just one big angry, dysfunctional, resentful , and truly unappealing group of bone-heads. 

As for Julio Osegueda, well, I have now lifted him up to the ‘category’ level on this blog and will be doing continued posts on him to showcase the young man that made me proud when I first saw him.  Because of  the reactions here I will now become his ‘blog promoter’.

My first such post here.

One of my beefs about President George Bush was that he never had any real interaction with Americans, unless they were selected to be at a rally or speech.  In other words ‘group think’ was in play, and the President was never challenged or forced to deal with those who disagreed with him.  There was no ‘come one, come all’ to see President Bush.  I long thought that insulating President Bush from real Americans of all backgrounds was a horrible idea.

Thankfully, President Obama has changed the way town hall meetings are conducted, and now allows all citizens to particulate, regardless of political persuasion.  As such there is an energy and political dynamic that is spontaneous and real at town hall meetings.

Julio Osegueda, 19, was the last person called on to ask a question of President Obama today in Florida.  It was great political theatre, but it was more than that.  Much more.  It was the real voices that often never get heard by Presidents, getting to communicate one-on-one with the leader of the free world.  And as you will see it matters.  Not only for Julio Osegueda, but for the process of political discourse in our nation.

Let me say thanks, Mr. President, for ending the selection process in who gets to attend a rally  that you hold in the nation.  You indeed understand the meaning of being President for all Americans.

17 thoughts on “19-Year-Old Julio Osegueda Shows How Obama Changed Politics

  1. tomjerkweed

    Is this the guy that complained to the President about working at McDonald’s for 4 and a half years and he didn’t have good benefits? What a clod. You want better benefits dude, it’s not happening at McDonalds. Go to trade school or college work hard at something you want to do and maybe you will get the job you want and some good benefits as well.

    Typical entitlement culture mindset this administration is thrusting upon us. You owe me!!!! Where is my piece of the pie???

  2. Anonymous

    Are you nuts? 200 people were allowed into the “townhall” meeting yesterday that weren’t VIP’s or invited by the administration. It is no different.

  3. Tom,

    The young man is in college. So he is working both at studies and at his job.

    Second,the point of his statement was where are the better jobs to be had after eight years of President Bush? He is not alone.

    Look at Elkhart, Ind. and see the plight of all ages as they try to look for work, and most places are not even accepting applications.

    The fact that this 19-year-old guy resonated with so many Americans is proof that he spoke truth about the economic mess we find our nation in. Lots of folks can identify with him….and that should concern the GOP.

  4. daveklassix

    Typical whiny democrats. “Praise” a guy who who went nuts during Obama’s town hall meeting, and basically tries to win an oscar award. This same guy who wants “more benefits” for working at McDonalds flipping burgers? Oh course, there was Henreitta who gets a free house because she begs at the Messiah’s feet. Well, we had Joe to Plumber, can we now deem this one Julio the Burger Flipper?


  5. Joe the skeptic

    Let’s see, a 19-year-old who’s main concern is health care benefits? I smell a rat here. 19-year-old live forever, right?

    Obviously Obama proved with the plummer that he can’t answer a real question by a real American, so now they’re planting these guys in there to worship at his feet and ask Mr. O campaign questions after the election? What gives?

    Oh yeah, and how convenient the cameras are rolling just as some women is given a house by a politician. I know all the kool-aid drinkers are orgasmic over all of this. But when the high wears off there’s going to be a huge bill to pay.

  6. Joe…Joe….Joe….I suspect you think the moon landing was on a sound stage in Hollywood too.

    Wow….is it any wonder you guys lost the election?

    It may come as news to you but the nation is in one hell of a situation after you all screwed up, well…everything.

    To think that anyone needs to plant truly needy people at a rally….a rally I might point out where Bush would never have attended and allowed the real citizens in……is truly bizzare on your part.

    Now put a paper bag up to your face and breath deeply three or four times until you feel better.

  7. Joe the skeptic

    Thanks for proving my point Deke! You’re so predictable.

    If the moon landing had happened in Hollywood you liberals would be praying to that too.

    Any wonder “we” lost the election? I hate to break it to you but America lost. And, because I’m critical of the O admin you think I support Bush? again, typical. I’m very harsh on the Bush admin spending like drunken sailors in the last 4 years and for not keeping a closer leash on Pelosi, Reid and Frank (the real culprits of the trouble in the economy)

    Yes, i know, you don’t like Bush so you’re going to blame it all on him. And some of it certainly falls there, but get your facts straight and put the blame where it belongs. Yes, I know it will be hard for you to admit one of your own (make that 3) is flawed.

    As you can see I’m a helpful person. Kind and caring. I donate to many charities (don’t need the govt. doing it for me so that can take their cut). But all I can do for those in the O stupor is try to point out what’s really happening. Someday you’ll get it, but it may take years.

    One more nugget of wisdom for you and your kind, socialism has been tried over and over and over through the course of time. it’s never worked. But, you think it’s going to work now because… what? because now we have a slick talking well dressed man that can sell you anything?

    So you fell for the “random guy” that asked O a question. Fine, for your sake let’s assume that wasn’t a plant. Did you hear the answer? “We’re going to give you, give you, give you….” And who’s really doing the giving?

    My work is done here. You’re welcome.

  8. Gregory Mickerchie

    Nothing like rambling on before you get the facts. Just wait and see – Julio will be exposed as a fraud. You sound like Obama yourself. His first speech was such a total disgrace. Nothing like playing the blame game. The truth is the Dems brought us into this mess. Dem Barney Frak sleeping with Fannie Mae CEO, know wonder he didn’t want to enforce restrictions on them. Obama involved with ACORN who pushed for these sub-prime loans for the minorities who couldn’t afford them. And now were going to blame the GOP. You too must be a socialist.

  9. Patrick

    I think the media needs to make a full investigation of Julio, like they did with Joe the Plummer. Lets pull his records. Any convictions? Working at MacDonalds for more than foru years….I can smell the reefer from here.

  10. midori

    I don’t know many college kids that care about health benefits but I know working at Mickey D’s isn’t where you go to get it. And the 8 years of the Bush Admin. was the last thing college man ever thought of. The guy is 19 years old. WTH?!
    I’m so tired of folks on both sides with their verbal attacks about politics. Seriously, anyone who hates Bush and loves Obama or hates Obama and loved Bush worries me.
    Too many extremes ya’ll. We need to pull our heads out and get real. We gotta stop this whiny attitude of “gimme, gimme, gimme” and do more for ourselves. Do we really need another Depression to weed out the losers? Seriously, other countries have it so much worse and we can do so much better but we need to do it as individuals. Quit living beyond our means and learn to delay instant gratification. Don’t live like a rock star just because you want to be one. Reality check: you ain’t got the cash to do that!
    I certainly don’t need a Democrat or Republican to tell me what we need to do.

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