Seth Myers: “All For Guns As Long As They Are The Muskets From 1787”

Sometimes those with a comedic touch make a point much better than a long news column.  Issues that need to be understood by the average citizen can be often better ‘heard’ when coming in the form of comedy.

Such was the case last night on Saturday Night Live when Seth Meyers made a constitutional comment about guns during the “Weekend Update” portion of the show.

The portion that needs to be watched starts at 1:10 in this video, and makes the gun control point that everyone needs to be mindful of.

Thanks Seth!

2 thoughts on “Seth Myers: “All For Guns As Long As They Are The Muskets From 1787”

  1. Richard Blaine

    You realize this is humorous commentary from a comedy show, and not news, or even a editorial from a qualified news professional, right?

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