Wisconsin Republicans Call “Extraordinary Session” To Pass State Budget, Political Process Undermined

Something is about to unfold at the Wisconsin State Capitol that is…well…extraordinary.  The Republicans are calling for an “Extraordinary Session” to pass the state budget!  The “Extraordinary Session” is scheduled to start 11 a.m. on Tuesday, June 14th.

Never in the years that I worked in the State Assembly did the leaders in charge ever need to implement an “Extraordinary Session” for the state budget process.  Then again, there was never a budget so reviled, or the political atmosphere so ablaze with bad feelings as to think an “Extraordinary Session” might somehow be a ‘good’ political idea.

The fact that the Assembly Organization Committee turned to the “Extraordinary Session”  is a statement in and of itself.  Most are aware that the budget process in an average session is messy and brutal.  So to add a hyper-partisan element in the form of the “Extraordinary Session” only adds to the chaos and disbelief that has settled across the political landscape of the state.

There are many, I know, that wonder what the big deal is about the “Extraordinary Session”.  ‘Let’s get the budget passed’ will be the refrain from many, no matter how it must be maneuvered thought the statehouse.


The process of government matters.  Regardless of being a liberal or conservative there can only be one set of rules that allows for a fair, above the belt type of process that allows at the end of the day all to say, win or lose, that the game was played honestly.

An “Extraordinary Session” will not allow for a fair process to take place.

All the rules from past budgets when battled on the Assembly and Senate floor are now thrown out the door.  The Fitzgerald Brothers who run the Assembly and Senate can, with an “Extraordinary Session”,  pass matters between the houses in rapid-fire fashion without the time and involvement of the opposition.  Limited debate, limited number of amendments, and limited time for the public…the voters…to understand what is happening.  That is not how the process is supposed to work.

Why are the Wisconsin Republicans under the dome acting this way?

If the ideas from Governor Scott Walker and his Republican allies in the statehouse are so remarkable then there should be no reason to speed the process up into a blur, or limit the opposition from having time to speak and offer amendments.  If Walker and his legislative brethren are so sure of the policy goals they have advanced then there should be no fear of letting light shine this week on the Assembly and Senate floor.

The only reason that the “Extraordinary Session”  has been put in place is that the light that has been exposed on the budget bill thus far makes the public angry and queasy.   The Fitzgerald Brothers know that more light might trigger a stronger reaction. 

But that too is part of the process of democracy. 

That the anger of the voters unsettles Republican officials is just too bad.  Are the Fitzgerald Brothers thinking the public will feel better having the process short-changed with the “Extraordinary Session”?  Do they think that will quell the anger?  I think not!

Who knew there were so many tone-deaf members in the Republican caucus?

4 thoughts on “Wisconsin Republicans Call “Extraordinary Session” To Pass State Budget, Political Process Undermined

  1. I just caught word of this myself, tried to find out more info, and gladly happened upon your blog. There will be rallies tomorrow, of course, and of course I’ll be there, as ever. But there’s a world-weary part of me that feels like shrugging and sighing, wondering what does it matter anyway? Don’t get me wrong — I’m used to losing. Over and over. But we’ll be there tomorrow (and tonight for that matter; my partner and I try to get down there even just to walk around or have a picnic dinner in solidarity with Walkerville) and camp the night. We’ll be pissed off and passionate. We’ll know how wrong this latest trick is. We’ll shout and chant — I’ll be playing my tired drum. But what will it matter in the long run? The Republicans are deaf to public input and immune to reason.

    Is this what “they” want? Fatigue? Ennui? Maybe, but who isn’t a little burned out. It’s exhilarating but equally exhausting. It’s understandable and probable that there will be always extreme members (the Grothmans, the Fitzgeralds, etc), but they’re all on board. It pains me to speak in a partisan language because it goes against so much in my gut, but I have no choice: everything has become partisan. If silence is the voice of complicity, then even the moderate Republicans are as guilty of extremism by acquiescing.

    I’ll stop venting. I do very much appreciate your post and blog, I do. I’m just frustrated. Thank you!

  2. Patrick

    T.C.B.: Have you noticed that in all this noise there has not been a viable alternative to Walker’s ideas? Nobody with a logical view of cause and effect can believe the state could simply raise 2.8 billion in taxes–or even a healthy part of that–without killing jobs and dreams. And protests on behalf of Union Bosses like Mary Bell are not the same as Tianamen Square. Perhaps it is the emptiness of protesting so teachers–like myself–can get benefits ordinary people can’t afford that you are feeling, not Ennui. But don’t worry, enjoy your picnic. The state will be stronger than ever tomorrow.

    “Extremeism” isn’t really a word–not one that means anything anymore–by the way.

  3. I do not see anything conservative about the cost of guns related to America’s unhealthiest lifestyle choice encouraged by these so called conservative actors. Gun related costs and losses continue to sky rocket such as trama surgery, health insurance, deaths of loved ones(tramatic loss), and incarcerations-life sentences or death penalties. Clearly, extremely costly events while guns are cbviously not being sold, nor handeled in a legal nor, safe manner. With gun crimes against police officers and innocent bystanders on the rise by concealed carriers as well. It is ridiculous to pretend that we live in a free society because we protect our second ammendment rights yet, care nothing about the many victims of these senseless crimes. When both sides come together to make this right then and only then will we reap the benefits of living out our freedoms. Until then, we are merely acting as if we are proud to be an American. Our freedoms are not free may men and women paid with their lives. We obviously do not appreciate that. SHAME on America.

  4. Patrick,

    I will gladly have a discussion with you about viable alternatives to Walker’s extreme (yes, extreme) budget, but not here. You’re most welcome to contact me via my own blog http://scribblesabit.wordpress.com/ so as not to clog up the comments section on this one. (Indeed, you might be interested in this piece I wrote: http://scribblesabit.wordpress.com/2011/04/16/dont-mess-with-taxes/)

    I’ll get the ball rolling: you don’t strike me as level-headed when you automatically push buttons like “union bosses” and linking it to Tienanmen Square with sweeping hyperbole. What does that accomplish? No one’s making that analogy. If protesting is empty, why don’t we all just lie back and let those with power do whatever the damn well please. Or are you against this particular protest? And saying the state will be “stronger than ever” tomorrow just makes you sound like a triumphalist crank. This isn’t a sports contest; these are people’s lives at stake. And this is so much more than collective bargaining; if you honestly don’t know that, then trying to have a civil discussion would be as hopeless and empty a gesture as demonstrating for the umpteenth time tomorrow to the hear-no-evil, see-no-evil Republicans calling the shots tomorrow.



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