Now Even Successful Olympics Draw Teabagger’s Ire


“Having run a very successful Olympics, being credited with all that may not go over very well with the Tea Party crowd.”

One can only wonder what level of incompetence would be acceptable for the teabaggers to gather round and offer political support.

Oh, yeah that is right…Sarah Palin and Michele Bachamnn!

Say what you will about Mitt Romney’s policy ideas for the nation, but one thing that no one can deny is that the Salt Lake Games were a stunning success.  That anyone now tries to use those games as a negative says much about the teabaggers!

Mr. Romney’s performance at the Salt Lake Games, which were on the verge of being scaled back or moved, is seen by many as a feather in his cap, and sits at the center of the candidate’s political resumé. He told supporters in Stratham, N.H., that his experiences “starting and running businesses for 25 years, turning around the Olympics, governing a state, have helped shape who I am and how I lead.” 

But it also risks being a liability among tea-party activists who will play a vital role in the GOP nominating process. That’s because overlooked in Mr. Romney’s retelling—which puts a heavy emphasis on his recruitment of private-sector support—is the federal government.

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