Catholic Hatred For Deceased Gay People Pumped By Bishop Morlino

Having long felt that Madison Bishop Morlino is a closeted homosexual–just based on my gaydar when watching and listening to him, and Lord knows that makes me want to poke out my mental eye–makes his continual attacks on gay men and woman utterly mystifying.  His views are more than just bigotry, but instead are outright deplorable acts of hatred disguised as some religious gobble-gook .  This past week there was yet another layer of utter disgust that spread across Southern Wisconsin when Morlino went after gay people–WHO ARE DECEASED!

You read that correctly.

A weekly newsletter to priests in the Madison Catholic Diocese by Bishop Robert Morlino’s top aide spelled out a series of “considerations” to use in deciding whether to provide funeral rites for people in same-sex unions, angering gay advocates who slammed it as offensive.

The confidential email, sent last Saturday by Vicar General James Bartylla with Morlino’s backing, said rites “may be denied for manifest sinners” if providing the services would cause unavoidable “public scandal of the faithful.”

Someone needs to hold Morlino’s vestments down as I feel a storm  brewing from those with working brain stems in this diocese.   In addition, those of us in the secular world have some things to say to moldy, bigoted, misogynistic men like Morlino.

Steve Starkey, executive director of LGBT OutReach, a Madison-based secular, advocacy group self-described as “South Central Wisconsin’s LGBT Community Center,” said Bartylla’s overall message was backward and homophobic.

“The ‘gay lifestyle’ is we work, we go to school, we own homes, we own cars, we have children,” Starkey said, expressing frustration that “other faiths have evolved on this issue” while Morlino “just refuses to budge at all.”

“It’s really negative when a big institution like the Catholic Church practices discrimination and then encourages other people to discriminate against a group of people,” Starkey said. “If it was people of color or people with disabilities who were being singled out, it wouldn’t stand.”

Can any gay person now say they can feel at home in the Catholic Church?   I spoke with a gay person this week and heard first hand how he does not feel accepted in a local parish.    Morlino continues to do a grave injury to the Catholic Church by his foolish utterances and actions.  The sad reality is there is much anti-gay hatred within the Catholic Church and Morlino could be the poster-child for such behavior.

6 thoughts on “Catholic Hatred For Deceased Gay People Pumped By Bishop Morlino

  1. Solly

    Maybe we’ll see. I replied to this tweet from Father Martin: James Martin, SJ‏
    Verified account
     @JamesMartinSJ 2h
    2 hours ago

    Gospel: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” But who is my neighbor? In response, Jesus tells the parable of the Good Samaritan. The shock comes from recognizing that the neighbor is the one who was formerly hated (the Samaritan). Your salvation may depend on the person you reject.

    It will be a close call, Fr. Martin is only quoting Jesus. We have Bishop Bob.

  2. pkarm

    Nothing pisses me off more than to be at Mass hearing them talk about love thy neighbor and then they do crap like this. Hard to take them seriously when they don’t follow their own preaching. This is not what Jesus would do.

  3. The Philippines, where I was born, is one of the top 10 most accepting countries of LGBTQ folks. It is also 90 % Catholic . Spain , France and Italy are also 3 of the top 10. ( and Brazil ) . If I recal correctly, more than half are Catholic countries. When we immigrated to the US, we were all surprised that the USA, the land of freedom, liberty and equality, has very serious issues againts the LGBTQ community.

  4. ted m.

    So many have been insulted over the years by Morlino and his type. He must be stewing that all his bile was not enough to get a red hat.

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