Alabama Republican Party To Make Decision On Roy Moore Later This Week

Tick tock–tick tock.

But do not hold your breath.  I am not all all convinced that the state GOP will do the correct thing as they too are in the hands of the three-thumb Alabama crowd at election time.  In other words this scandal will likely continue to be a weight around the national GOP neck.  Democrats can score without even taking to the field in this game.

The 21 members of Alabama’s Republican Party central steering committee are the only ones who can pull Roy Moore’s nomination and potentially block his path to the Senate. After days of mounting allegations that their Senate nominee had sexual contact with teenage girls while he was in his 30s, two Alabama GOP sources tell TPM they’ve finally decided to hold a meeting later this week to hash out whether they can stand by his side.

“We are still weighing the evidence, but realize some decision or statement must come from the state party soon,” said one Alabama Republican.

Most members of the committee have so far stayed silent, worried about fury from Moore backers if they reject him and damage to their own political careers no matter what they do.

But as the allegations pile up against their nominee, they’re creeping towards making a decision on whether to stand by Moore or pull the party nomination and back a possible write-in campaign, a move which further dims their hopes of holding the seat.

Many on the committee have their own political careers to worry about. Roughly a quarter of the committee’s members are running for public office next year and face competitive primaries where they need backing from Moore’s supporters. Others depend on GOP contracts for their livelihood, or on relationships built through the state party for company business.


2 thoughts on “Alabama Republican Party To Make Decision On Roy Moore Later This Week

  1. What is hard to grasp is how these conservative voters who still support Moore can do so and not feel tawdry when looking into a mirror. They are so divorced from reality it is nothing short of stunning. Just more evidence that the Republican Party has a rough road for the long-term as this stuff in AL will harm them deeply when placed into the national narrative.

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