Tantrum By Trump, Nation Calls For Earlier Bedtime

When one claims to have seen everything they need to be told to wait one more day.  Such was the case this morning when Donald Trump became unglued in an Oval Office sit-down with congressional leaders.

When elections are over there is a tradition where a president sits alongside top members of congress in what may be nothing more than a photo opportunity to underscore the peaceful process that is used to transfer power.  They may be of the same party, or split power, in agreement or not.  But the purpose of such an event is to underscore the larger truths about our nation.

What we are all aware of is that over the past three years the traditional foundations of the nation have been tossed about and too often discarded.  Such was the case again this morning.

Trump likes reality television and tries to turn our government–which should be serious-minded–into something akin to shock jocks on radio and trashy types who will say or do anything to get ratings on TV.  Parents and teachers alike work to move children away from such behavior.   Trump seeks to employ more of that base behavior day to day.

In a stunning statement Trump vowed to block full funding for the government if Democrats refuse his demand for a border wall, saying he was “proud to shut down the government for border security”.  While Congressional Republicans are melting as a shutdown is the last thing they desire, and Democrats are smirking over how easy it was to set the trap for Trump to walk into, the nation is left wondering where the grown-ups in the room happen to be seated.

While this makes for headiness and bluster it again proves to the world how adrift the United States is at this time.  While Britain is in a most serious situation over the flawed Brexit, France taking to the streets, and Russia fomenting stress our nation has a president who calls for a massive and expensive wall on the border and more use of fossil fuels!  If there was a need next week for a Marshall Plan somewhere in the world there would be no leader able to take on the mission.

The world needs a competent, reasoned, and level-headed United States.  The world needs a president with gravitas, intellect, and a steady hand on the levers of power.  What was witnessed in the Oval Office was a complete embarrassment.    A mature president would not have been so easily goaded.

It is no secret that Trump does not sleep much at night and science proves the long term consequences of such a pattern.   It is also no secret our nation must have a well-rested person in the Oval Office.  What happened this morning was more than just an unstable man blowing up and making a fool of himself, and the nation, before the cameras.  It was also a plea from someone to make sure he gets tucked in bed earlier with the lights out and social media devices stored away.

We all see young kids out and about acting in ways that are clear signals that sleep is required.  Today we saw that live from the White House.

What happened today must never be allowed to occur again.

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