Gunfire, Gunfire, And More Gunfire

Four people were killed in a hail of gunfire Thursday after two armed suspects robbed a jewelry store, then stole a UPS truck and led police on a two-county high-speed chase in South Florida.

A shooting at Naval Air Station Pensacola in Florida on Friday morning left three people dead and several others injured, authorities said. The shooter was also killed by Escambia County sheriff’s deputies. Sheriff David Morgan said, “Walking through the crime scene was like being on the set of a movie.”

Four people were wounded, one of them critically, in gun violence Thursday across Chicago

The suspected killer of Alabama college student, Aniah Blanchard, said he shot her after she allegedly “went for the gun,” according to court documents.

The U.S. Navy sailor who fatally shot two at the Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard on Wednesday and wounded a third was having disciplinary problems at work and had been enrolled in anger management courses—but still has access to a gun.

Look, folks, this is how we have come to view shootings in America.  One after the other, and in such a long stream of stories that it is hard to process one tragedy before another is reported.  It may seem like there are so many happening, but this is, sadly, the norm.

According to the Gun Violence Archive, there have been more than 370 mass shootings in the US so far in 2019, with a mass shooting defined as any incident in which four or more people, not including the shooter, were shot but not necessarily killed. That’s an average of about eight mass shootings a week.

That’s still only a fraction of all US gun deaths, with mass shootings responsible for less than 2 percent of gun deaths in America in a typical year. In 2017, there were nearly 40,000 gun deaths, an average of almost 109 gun deaths a day and more than four an hour. Around 60 percent of those gun deaths are suicides.

The NRA wants more guns to be sold to keep the manufactures happy.  The selfish people who hide behind their twisted reasoning of what the 2nd Amendment means never being able to grasp the emotional gravity of buying a casket for a gun victim, or grasping the long-term healing process associated with many gunshot injuries.

The stories of gun shootings and the carnage they leave behind will continue due to a lack of spine from those members of congress more wedded to their campaign cash from the gun lobby than their responsibilities to the citizens they took an oath to represent. 

And so it goes.