Glenn Beck Loses Nearly Dozen Ad Sponsors

Click Link  For New UPDATE….20 Sponsors Leave Glenn Beck!

In addition to the sponsors in this story we can also include Sargento Cheese,, State Farm, and Men’s Wearhouse as also  having dropped Glenn Beck.

Now we need to get Wal*Mart, Red Lobster, and Travelocity to do the same.  We can do it!

The American public has spoken.  It is pretty clear.  Glenn Beck made a huge mistake and is rightfully paying the price. 

Many bloggers, including this one, encouraged people to write and support efforts to have advertisers end their contracts with Glenn Beck on FAUX News.  I am very proud of this effort, as the work has paid off.  We are not done yet, but much progress can be reported.

I have no problem with civil discourse that differs with mine.  In fact I love it.  Good political debate is healthy and can be intellectually challenging.  We know to get the best of such conversation there needs to be opposing views.  But I like civility and some grounding in something other than just pure hatred and verbal jabs that are only meant to inflame.  And that is all that Glenn Beck does.   I think the public airwaves must be better than what Beck offers.  I have often taken on the rougher and less cerebral side of radio, and feel that TV should not be any different.  As citizens we have the right to expect the public airwaves will be more than trash talk for ratings.

About a dozen companies have withdrawn their commercials from “Glenn Beck,” the Fox News Channel program, after Glenn Beck, the person, said late last month that President Obama was a racist with a “deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture.”

The companies that have moved their ads elsewhere in recent days included ConAgra, Geico, Procter & Gambleand the insurance company Progressive. In a statement that echoed the comments of other companies, ConAgra said on Thursday that “we are firmly committed to diversity, and we would like to prevent the potential perception that advertising during this program was an endorsement of the viewpoints shared.”

The campaign against Mr. Beck is rooted in an advocacy group’s objection to the commentator’s remarks on July 28. Given the number of advertisers that have pledged to remove their spots, it appears to have been unusually successful.

Its success also indicates that as commentary on cable news reaches a rhetorical boiling point, advertisers may become more skittish about being near it.

“We have TV today that’s very polarizing and controversial,” said Donny Deutsch, the advertising executive and occasional host on CNBC and MSNBC, a rival to Fox News.

Last month, Mr. Deutsch listed some of the “Glenn Beck” advertisers and told MSNBC viewers that people who objected to Mr. Beck’s remark should write to the chief executives of the companies. In an interview, he said corporate decisions about where to allot ad dollars were the “ultimate check and balance.”

The sponsors’ shifts came after a campaign by  ColorOf, a black political coalition, to contact sponsors of Mr. Beck’s program. The remark by Mr. Beck, a conservative radio host and comedian who joined Fox News in January, came not on his 5 p.m. talk show but on “Fox and Friends,” a raucous morning program.

That day, Fox News appeared to distance itself quickly from Mr. Beck’s remark that Mr. Obama was a racist, telling the TVNewser blog that Mr. Beck had “expressed a personal opinion, which represented his own views, not those of the Fox News Channel.”

Two days later, ColorOfChange asked its 600,000 members to sign a petition addressed to Mr. Beck’s advertisers. It says more than 100,000 have signed.

Fox said the campaign had no financial effect.

“The advertisers referenced have all moved their spots from Beck to other day parts on the network, so there has been no revenue lost,” said a spokeswoman for the channel, a unit of the News Corporation.

Still, ColorOfChange trumpeted the advertisers’ announcements as meaningful wins in news releases this month, and announced on Thursday that ConAgra, the pharmaceutical companies Roche and Sanofi-Aventis, and the electronics retailer RadioShack had pledged to remove ads from “Glenn Beck.”

An official at RadioShack told the advocacy group that it had not bought time directly on Fox News, but that a third-party manufacturer had cited the retailer in its commercials. RadioShack said it had asked the manufacturer, magicJack, to “immediately cease and desist running all commercials with our name tagged in the spot“ on the Beck program.

Other companies also said their spots had been scheduled during “Glenn Beck” by mistake. Ads for Procter & Gamble and S.C. Johnson appeared on a weekend repeat of Mr. Beck’s program by mistake, Fox acknowledged. Progressive said that its advertising order had specified “no Glenn Beck,” but Fox said it had bought a block of time with the channel that included Mr. Beck.

Past efforts to put pressure on cable news advertisers have met more resistance. In the spring, when the liberal group ThinkProgress protested Bill O’Reilly of Fox News by contacting corporate sponsors, most wrote back by blandly thanking them for taking the time to write. One Ford Motor employee even suggested they abandon the petition tactic, writing, “the silly form letters are just annoying and easy to delete.”

In the current media climate, one dominated by talk about health care and other politically tinged topics, hosts and commentators on TV and radio seemingly try to one-up one another with shocking comments every day. Recently, Lou Dobbs of CNN came under fire for raising questions about Mr. Obama’s citizenship. CNN said it had not seen any advertisers “looking to reallocate their money” from Mr. Dobbs’s program.

What Mr. Beck said about Mr. Obama in July was “race-baiting packaged as news,“ said James Rucker, the executive director of ColorOfChange. (Mr. Beck declined to comment.)

In what was ColorOfChange’s first direct appeal to advertisers, it told members it was fighting back by “hitting Beck where it hurts,” financially. The Beck program draws an average 2.2 million viewers a day, making it Fox News’s third-highest rated.

Mr. Rucker acknowledged that advertiser campaigns are tough, saying that “things have to be at a certain level in terms of being pretty extreme” for the sponsors to take action.

Mr. Deutsch, the chairman of the ad agency Deutsch Inc., said that “at a company like Procter & Gamble or G.M., the C.E.O.’s don’t know where all those ad dollars are going.” When they find out that their messages are being associated with controversial comments, they often “decide they can go somewhere else,” he said.

Calling Fox News a “good network,” Mr. Deutsch said advertisers could easily move their spots to other programs.

That is what several sponsors said they have done. Mr. Rucker said some of the advertisers “didn’t even know that they were actually enabling Beck” when they were contacted.

Mirroring the verbal combat among cable news channels, the advertiser pressure has become a divisive issue of its own. On conservative blogs this week, writers have questioned ColorOfChange’s motives and asked supporters of Mr. Beck’s to write to his advertisers as well.

38 thoughts on “Glenn Beck Loses Nearly Dozen Ad Sponsors

  1. sagedoeggy

    Bogus article, you claim he has lost a dozen or more sponsers, but list only 6, you are obviously a socialistic publication without ANY credibility, I would like to see the complete list so I can boycott those companies who have pulled their time on his show.

    1. Lori

      Socialist health care
      to compliment
      the already existing
      -socialist fire department
      -socialist police department
      -socialist school district
      -socialist Medicare
      -socialist Medicaid
      -socialist Social Security
      -socialist unemployment compensation

      Most folks are not concerned until they
      -have a home on fire
      -call 911
      -can’t gain admission to a private school because their child has “special needs”
      -get sick at age 65
      -get sick after loosing job
      -lose job

      We’re all one step from needing help.
      When needed, give help.
      When needed, receive help.

  2. First off I am sure Mens Warehouse will miss the redneck customers when you and your pals no longer buy your suits from them. Bet they do OK without you.

    Second, learn to count.

    Third, I never stated there were more than a dozen…but “nearly a dozen”.

    Now I suggest you get back to studying for your G.E.D.

  3. John

    Glen Beck gets 2.2 million viewers, out of 310 million Americans.
    Glen Beck’s demographics are similar to the Republican party; old, southern, or rural.
    It is not surprising that the Republicans lost the presidency, the congress, and most of the statehouses to the Democrats. Republicans these days are appox. 20% of the public, Indpendents are appox. 40%, Democrats are also appox. 40%.
    The only age group the Republicans won was over 65, and less than 10% of 18-35 year olds consider themselves Democrats.
    The Republicans are losing most of the major demographic groups (and demographic groups of the future); young adults, Independents, moderates, and Hispanics.

    As far as the uneducated old geezers and reactionaries who are against health care reform, they should know this; America is 37th in the world in overall health care stats, and every country who is ahead of us, (including all the countries of West Europe, Canada, Japan, and Australia), have some form of government public option health care, as well as private insurance, and America spends more than twice as much on health care as any other developed country.
    So other developed countries have better health care stats than America does, they cover everyone, and they spend less money per-capita doing it.

  4. adrian

    I received an email from Travelocity that they would specifically pull ads for his show. It’s time for Glenn Beck to be held accountable for what he says…there are consequences when you make the kinds of outrageous and inflammatory claims that he does…I’m not surprised that when company CEOs and Media VPs are shown samples/made aware of Glenn Beck’s insane rants, such as comparing the beginning of the Natzi movement to what’s been occuring at town hall meetings and the proposed public health care option, they would want to distance themselves from this show. It is what it is.

  5. The Travelocity Team

    Good afternoon – Thank you for contacting us to express your concerns. Travelocity did not specifically place our ad on the show. We basically buy ads in bulk and then they are placed somewhat randomly. However, as of last Monday we specifically asked that our ads do not appear during this show.

    The Travelocity Team

    1. connie daniels

      I am sorry you did pull your ads. You will lose out on alot of revenue from hard working people, who still have money to travel. I guess, I will have to start using some other online travel company for all of my travel needs. Thanks for letting us Glenn Beck listeners know this.

      1. Duke

        You dumb ——, it sounds about right that you would not use a business over that jackass Glenn Beck. This is exactly why your party is where it is. You make stupid decisions simply for your party’s sake instead of going with what the rest of the world recognizes as common damn sense. My guess is that the next thing the party will do is say that companies like Proctor and Gamble, Sargento Cheese, Radio Shack, and Geico are liberal biased sponsors who are picking on a poor washed up drug addict like Glenn Beck. Get a life hillbilly!

      2. Snafu

        No one is holding you hostage to any one particular travel agency. The truth hurts doesn’t it. What you fail to see is Glenn Beck is on national television promoting racism. And what sense did he make when President Obama has a white mother. That is retarded in itself to make such a foolish and ridiculous statement. No one is advocating trampling over any person’s freedom of speech but as a reporter he has to maintain some integrity and professionalism as to no incite or make the appearance of doing so. But then if you look at Beck’s history you can understand the incoherent thought processing. Loony Bin!

    1. adrian

      ok, so when Rep excercise there right to hijack the health care debate and protest, jump up and down, block debate, it’s American, but when others from all over the political spectrum respectfully protest the kind of hate speech that Beck dispenses, and ask corporations in the free market place to take note, it’s socialism? It’s democracy and free market in action because corporations and businesses can choose to continue buying ad space (it’s their money, hello!) or not…Beck makes his choice, as do they, and as consumers we make ours…get a clue!

  6. wally

    Socialism isn’t such a great thing….Ask the countries that have already fallen for it(under it). Ask the europeans about
    government mandated health care…You shouldn’t have drank the kool-aid……

    Quote from Lori:
    “We’re all one step from needing help.
    When needed, give help.
    When needed, receive help.”

    wow….sounds so…what’s the word…uh,…sweet…yeah, that’s it. Sweet!
    Only two things wrong with this “utopic dreamland” piece of garbage plan…
    1. It can’t fund itself….
    2. Some one else determines what kind of help you get, and if you get it.

    1. Pete

      1. This is the richest country on Earth: It can be funded. Every industrialized country except for the United States has universal health care, and many of these countries have a longer life expectancy

      2. In the current system, someone already determines “what kind of help you get, and if you get it”. These people are called insurance providers. That’s why there are 50 million people uninsured in this country

      3. Why are you so afraid?

      1. Jackson

        No fear here. Just a tad of common sense and the reality of history. If you want the government in your colon just head to Europe or Canada. Yes, leave the United States of America and go where it is better. PLEASE!!! You may want to do the slightest amount of research before letting the government run you life, and your childrens lives. At least open your eyes!!! Government intervention has never been successful and never will be. I am not afraid. I will speak my mind. I will overcome. Of course, I work for what I have, and am damn proud of it. Maybe that is the difference!!! If I dependend on a handout for everything, then this might be a great opportunity, but alas…..I work for a living, and refuse to bail out those whose hands are merely waiting there for a free ride from the government. Logically, it somehow since the dawn of mankind, has never worked!!! It is unsustainable like all government run institutions……the working man has always had the duty of paying for these types of programs because they have always historically failed. Get a grip….stand up, WORK ( I know that may be a four letter word!), pull yourself up by the bootstraps and remove the nipple from your infantile mouth!!! You are free to leave now if you want a king instead of a government that is employed by the people. Here in America, we will vote you out and in a damn hurry!!! Don’t Tread on me!!!

      2. wally

        +1 Jackson…Some people just don’t realize (They refuse to see) how fast this administration is trying to socialize everything, which really means government CONTROL…
        Pete, it’s not about being afraid…I’m just not blind. I didn’t say it couldn’t be funded…I said it can’t fund itself. Taxes are already going to skyrocket for at least 2 generations, if this idiotic stimulus package is totally approved. Everyone wants something for free…Free is not free…It’s going to cost you…big time. Check and see what it’s going to cost each elderly person, each young person…and see what it’s going to cost you if you don’t want to be “part of the plan”… Do the research for yourself before jumping on some bandwagon…As of today, once again the Whitehouse is rethinking their push for this health care plan…they don’t have a clue on how it will work, and they don’t have a clue as to how to really fix the problem.
        Ask someone from these other countries, about what they think about government healthcare…Don’t drink the “kool-aid”, and just run with what you’ve heard. You sound like a little clone …repeating the same “gentle” message
        you were told. THINK IT THROUGH FOR YOURSELF…

        1. Pete

          Wally: I actually lived in the UK for a few years, and used their health care system. I can actually speak from experience when I say that what they have over there, and in every other industrialized country, works. It provides health care for all the country’s citizens, regardless of income, viewing health care as a right rather than a commodity.

          Additionally, I did do the research: Currently, 59% of the US health care system is already paid for by various Federal and State taxes. Also, right now the US government actually spends MORE tax payer money per person than countries with universal health care.

          You speak of the future, about this costing the tax payer big time. If we continue with the current system, and avoid reform, we will actually have to pay more: By 2050, health care would consume some 40% of the national economy. And if you’re worried about losing money, you should be afraid of rising insurance costs, which are going up so rapidly that every day, more than 10,000 Americans lose their coverage.

          By fixing the problem now, there would be less money spent on the problem in the future, increased life expectancy, and higher quality of life. I’ve done my homework, and made a rational decision based on the available evidence, something those people screaming at town hall meetings (Jackson) are either unable or unwilling to do

          Jackson: As a matter of fact, ‘work’ actually IS a four letter word. Also, I have a degree in history, and you clearly know next to nothing about it. Let the grown-ups talk

          1. wally

            Pete, I’m glad the health care system worked for you while you were in the UK…However, in hearing of the experiences of others in the UK, I understand it could be a nightmare. In fact, I have heard some warn of the dangers of government controlled healthcare. I believe you are an educated, well meaning citizen of this country…you make repeated references to “the other industrialized nations”…Why are so many citizens of these other “industrialized nations” against all of this great care they are getting from their government, and wish that they had other options? I totally agree that we need to make changes, but “throwing out the baby with the bath water” isn’t the solution here…Let’s change the water, and keep the baby…The White House doesn’t even have one single plausible plan..just expectations, that “one” plan will come from the combined houses of congress…Yet, the American public is so divided over the “stupid stuff” that congress wants to shove down our throats, to appease the prez…He doesn’t even have a plan of his own, and he’s mad because the American public doesn’t like this… How can we defend something that doesn’t even exist yet, and doesn’t look like it will anytime soon?

            1. Pete

              Wally, i’m not claiming that their system is perfect, nor does anyone else. As with any public or private institution of that scale, there are flaws (Incidentally, have you read about the horror stories from the current American system? There are many: One example of this is when the insurance provider Cigna denied a liver transplant to a 17-year-old girl, that was her only hope for survival, and she died. How heartless is that?!?!)

              However, these “industrialized countries” I speak of are all democracies, and if they didn’t like their health care systems as much as you assume they do, they could get rid of them. That’s the nice thing about democracy: If something doesn’t work for the majority of people, not only can they have spirited debate, such as we are having here, but also the majority of people can change it by voting. If other country’s systems were so bad, they would elect a politician on the platform of eradicating said system. A recent (2007) European Union report on how satisfied people are with their health care systems found that the majority of Europeans rated their system favorably (And this even includes former Iron Curtain nations)

              The UK’s NHS has been around for 60 years, and when many conservatives in the US began using the NHS as a negative example of what Obama is proposing, the Brits defended their system so vigorously that Twitter had to shut down. Even Stephen Hawking, one of the smartest men on the planet, defended their system and said that he wouldn’t be alive today if not for the NHS.

              “How can we defend something if it doesn’t even exist yet?” I’m not sure what you’re trying to say, but you have to first propose legislation and have a vote on it in the house and senate before it can be passed. It does exist, in the sense that it is being proposed and in the process of ratification, it just hasn’t been passed through congress yet.

              Finally, I haven’t read all thousand pages of the health care reform legislation. But like any piece of legislation, you don’t have to read all of it in minute detail to understand what it will do. Some benefits from the proposed reforms include: insurance for the 50 million currently uninsured, expanded coverage for veterans, stronger Medicare, and an easing of the burden on small businesses that makes them more competitive with big businesses. If we add this to the financial details listed in my previous post, the argument for reform is very compelling indeed

              1. wally

                “Finally, I haven’t read all thousand pages of the health care reform legislation. But like any piece of legislation, you don’t have to read all of it in minute detail to understand what it will do.”

                Pete, apparantly a lot of the congress is like you, in that respect. I would say most have not read the whole bill, on their side. And they’re going to make life altering decisions, based on what…a hunch…??? Or better yet, what someone else told them it says…??? And then there are those idiots who say they’ll vote against what their constituents want, if they feel they know what’s better for them….That’s tyranny…out and out. Elected officials going against the will of those who elected them. I bet a lot of politicians are changing professions in 2010…and 2012.
                Pete, I’m not aware of the tragedy you spoke of, with the young girl and the need for a liver transplant, but yes, that
                is tragic. However, I’ve heard of similar stories in Great Britain, and other places. Again, I agree the system needs some change…but not to the extreme of taxing us and our generations to follow into oblivion…You’re talking about
                “a shot in the dark” idea that isn’t even developed yet, with major taxation. It’s all sweet sounding to say that they want to see this and this fixed, but they don’t have a viable plan. Some people have insurance they like and they don’t
                want something else crammed down their throat.I’ve seen some “opt-out” proposals that would cost heavily, to not participate…What kind of junk is that…???

                1. Pete

                  “…they’re going to make life altering decisions, based on what…a hunch???” Well if that isn’t the pot calling the kettle black

                  I don’t think they’re doing this on a hunch. In fact, the amount of town hall meetings and commercials for health care proves that they have a lot of information to impart to the public. And while we’re on the subject of people following hunches, here are the assumptions you’ve made thus far:

                  – People in countries with a public health care option suffer under their system. This is incorrect. Most people in the UK approve of their NHS, and after experiencing it firsthand, I can tell you that you’re wrong about this.

                  – We’ll be taxed ‘into oblivion’. As I stated earlier, if we do nothing, we’ll end up paying a lot more. Also, taxes already pay for most US health care, and we already pay more per person than other countries with a public option

                  – The majority of citizens don’t want a public health care option, and lawmakers are ignoring the will of the people. This is wrong. In the 2008 Presidential Election, one of Obama’s stated goals was the creation of a national health insurance program, and health care was a central issue. He was elected by the majority of people in this country, who favored health insurance for all citizens, even if it meant paying higher taxes (Pew Poll from last October revealed 57% favored this, compared with 36% opposed If we acknowledge that tyranny is oppressing the will of the people, then in fact the minority who will do anything to prevent the reform are acting like tyrants. We must remember that in a democracy, the majority have the final word

                  – You’re assuming you’ll have to change your health insurance. More people have to change their insurance every day, to nothing because they lost their jobs or can’t afford any insurance, than would have to change due to the health reform

                  At present, the insurance company bureaucrat gets to make the life changing decisions, based on how much money they can get from you, and how many claims they can deny. And that’s not an assumption

        2. That is the problem, and you have hit it on the head, Pete.

          There is no way to reason with some of these people about policy needs of the nation. They recite chapter and verse what they are spoon fed from the conservative radio hosts, and as such have no real idea how to think on their own. Many, if you watch the town hall meetings, are not very educated by the way they talk and are stuck in a rut voting and supporting for the GOP and aping what is told to them even when it is not in their best interests.

          1. Pete

            The trouble with reciting ‘chapter and verse’ is that if everyone were calmed down, and had a rational discussion, these people wouldn’t be able to defend the position. They could then make the further mental leap, and realized they’re being manipulated.

            But you know what gets me the most? These town hall meetings are being held to discuss something of significance, and the people shouting these slogans about socialism, etc. are preventing any ACTUAL debate from occurring, drowning out many of their fellow citizens who appear because they want to make an informed decision. I can’t think of anything more un-American than subverting democracy in this fashion and preventing people from exercising their first Amendment right to free speech. It’s shameful, and anyone who goes to a town hall meeting and shouts the whole time should be ejected for trampling other people’s rights

  7. Jackson

    Beck may lose all of his sponsors, but the one thing he will not lose is his dignity. He has done nothing but state the truth. Open your eyes and use your head!!! Every promise Obama made during his campaign has been broken…typical politician. Look at the Canadian government run health system!!! It has imploded. The working Americans will stand up and be heard with or without the Glen Beck program. I commend him for saying what he means and meaning what he says….a far cry from our current batch of liars and money mongers that we have in our administration. Obama is just a puppet in the clutches of Wall Street cronies and home grown terrorists. Without his teleprompter, he is totally without merit, and lacks any semblance of common sense. Rock the vote….this too will pass and none too soon for the masses, who are the ones paying for his blatent mis-steps and utter incompetence.

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