Republican Landslide Coming In U.S. Senate

The expected outcome from November’s elections are not news in the traditional sense.  After all any analysis or following of the senate races in the various key states for the past six months have shown a real head-wind for Democrats.  There have been trend lines that could be followed in the states that show how hard it is for Democrats to gain traction.  There are no seriously flawed candidates as was the case in recent cycles for Republicans to contend with.  The national narrative of international news and nervousness among voters over domestic issues adds to the political storm that seems to be picking up momentum.

So in that sense it is not news to say this is not the year for Democrats.  That has been known for a long time.

At our home, as always there will be a political gathering where I traditionally make dinner prepared for people to come and eat buffet style.  Already on my menu is a fall classic, the ever popular Pumpkin Apple Streusel Topped Cake.  I mention this as it might be the only bright spot (other than perhaps a defeat of Scott Walker in Wisconsin) to what is shaping up to be a long Election Night for Democrats.   Even though I love politics and will watch as I have every cycle since a teenager I do like those nights when we prevail much better than that which is about to greet us.

The problem is not that Democratic candidates are bad or not motivated or somehow unable to serve effectively  Instead this is a cycle where to put it simply Democrats are being hammered in Republican-leaning and swing states.  The voter demographics in a mid-term turn-out is going to crush many of these candidates.

While I look at Alaska as a possible place where the Democratic incumbent, Mark Begich, is not doing too badly, there is also the gnawing realization that every morning the national headlines speak of a restive and dangerous world and not enough confidence that the United States knows how to react.  My sense from reading over the months about this election cycle is not that people are angry as they were in 2010, but simply flummoxed about how we are unable to find a way forward.

While a Republican controlled house has worked at every turn to undermine and destroy President Obama’s agenda and refused to work in tandem with Democratic efforts in the senate voters are left to wonder what is ever going to happen to the issues they care about.    I sense that people are more than angry.  They are deeply concerned about the future of the nation.  But without enough background or insight into the issues–after all the nation’s political IQ by any measure is not very high–will simply react to the endless ads and cast a ballot.

At this stage of the process I simply do not see a game-changer that will up-end what is shaping up to be a landslide type election for Republicans in the senate.

At the end of the night perhaps all that can be said is ‘let them eat cake’.

5 thoughts on “Republican Landslide Coming In U.S. Senate

  1. Tom

    It is interesting to think about this election season in the context of the rhetoric driving public opinion regarding Congress. If the public is so concerned about Republican “obstruction” I think they would return Dems to power in house–and return to them the power they had in the start of Obama’s first term. If they choose to give the Senate to Republicans, however, it will certainly mute the “obstruction” arguments. Obama would be forced to seek compromise in a way that Reid’s dictatorial control of Senate prevents now. It could be very good for Obama if he is a leader beyond the job title.

  2. Tom,,

    One of the reasons for this, as I mentioned, is that voters are not in a good place with where the country is at this time. I also stated that most Americans are not overly informed or engaged with the issues of the day. They do not follow the political process closely, or understand it. Too many voters are only aware things are not working as they need to in order to allow the country to move forward. I do not think from my reading that voters are angry as they were in 2010, but just ‘ready to throw their hands’ up in dismay.

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