Senator Joe Biden Poorest Senator…How Does John McCain Rank?

There were many good solid reasons to place Senator Biden on the Democratic ticket.  But the one that might rankle the GOP the most is the fact that Joe Biden resonates with most Americans economically.  This at a time when John McCain can not recall how many homes he has.

So here is where Senator Biden ranks.   The poorest.

And then here is where we find John McCain.   The 8th richest.

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11 thoughts on “Senator Joe Biden Poorest Senator…How Does John McCain Rank?

  1. notalib

    What is the huge fascination with “wealth”. It’s all smoke and mirrors for the left. They have the weakest candidate ever so all they can do is try and make non issues seem important.

    Sadly the weak minded followers of the democrat party buys into the silliness.

  2. I will use notalib’s own words from this past week as a response to himself. Notalib can’t figure out what he thinks.

    “Politics in this country is only for the wealthy. A common man can no longer run for state or national elections. It is all about money and connections.

    American politics is no longer about the people but special interest and the rich. Its sad that the people who pay the bills in this country have no representation, just lip service from DC.”

  3. I am not sure how you and your wife operate, but most loving couples share their money, furniture, homes, space in the bathroom, etc. To try and parse who owns the homes is unique and funny as heck.

    The reason that this matters is that McCain is painting himself as one who cares about guys like you and me. Not sure about you, but I can tell you that Obama just finishing paying back his school loans is more my reality than not knowing now many homes I own.

    These are the things that can have legs in a campaign and utterly stop the larger message that a candidate wants to promote. Time will tell if that is one of those moments….it does have the feel however that this is taking on a life of its own.

    And he should have known this question was coming in light of not paying property taxes on at least one of the homes, and being in arrears with the state.

    But that still begs the question as to which side of the dime you are on as your comments above conflict.

  4. fredshelm

    Erm, you may want to look at that link again before you tout Biden’s net worth. It seems to be a negative number. Do Americans really want someone in debt, despite having a senator’s salary for decades, to tell us how to fix our economy?

  5. nearlynormalized

    Biden is the man, when you go to gates does God ask how much money you have? Biden can think on his feet, McCain needs to go to a rest home.

  6. I question how the site came about its numbers. Look at former Rep. Rick Santurum, who is listed as being worth $0.00. Figuratively accurate, if nothing else, but I imagine the guy’s got a little change rolling around somewhere.

    Also, fredshelm, you may want to examine the third row of numbers, which has Biden’s maximum worth at +$277,997.

    The whole thing is a little odd to me, these numbers. Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont) has a lower net worth than Biden, but Biden is listed lower than Baucus. Without actually seeing how they do the numbers, which I know I have not done and I doubt that any other commenter on here has done either.

  7. The fact that Senator Obama is making a comment about how many homes John McCain owns worries me. Would President Obamam want to limit how much income we can make and how much property we can own? It he does (and so far in his speeches he seems to) care, then this smacks of Socialism pure, clean and simple….

  8. Pingback: Joe Biden's Charitable Contributions - US Message Board

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