Will Colin Powell Endorse Barack Obama In Virginia After Last Presidential Debate?


There had been rumors leading up to the Democratic National Convention that an endorsement from Colin Powell was in the offing.  That of course did not take place.  But might it still happen?  Though I wish not to go as far as listing this as a prediction………I just wonder……….

One has to think that the brilliant thinker that resides within Colin Powell was not amused at how he was treated by the Bush White House, and more importantly his resentment of how neo-conservatives twisted our foreign policy into an international disaster.  I strongly suspect that Powell is far more interested in the long-range outlook for the United States than in some political payback, though one could well understand why he could hold both views very strongly.

There is no doubt about the need to right the direction and tone of our foreign policy.  From a harsh ‘with us or against us’ tone that hardly even works in playground scuffles, to a general disregard for expansive diplomatic initiatives, there is a need step away from the ineptitude of President Bush.  Clearly John McCain does little to make us believe that his time in the Oval Office would differ from that of Bush.   With that as a clear road map for continued national ruin there is no reason that a seasoned veteran of world affairs such as Powell would want to stand on the sidelines at this moment in history. 

I wonder if shortly after the last debate there is not a powerful endorsement in Virginia by Colin Powell for Barack Obama?

I mention Virginia due to the military institutions and members that are stationed there, the competitive nature of the state this cycle, the degree that security issues play into the national campaign, and the southern importance of the state to a winning electoral vote on Election Night.

Just wondering…………and almost a prediction………

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7 thoughts on “Will Colin Powell Endorse Barack Obama In Virginia After Last Presidential Debate?

  1. dragonmage06

    I would love for that to happen. I really think that Colin Powell got a raw deal under the Bush administration and his endorsement would go a long way.

  2. Pat

    I doubt he’ll endorse Obama. McCain and Powell have a long history of being on the same side of issues. Obama might say change, but in the foreign policy sphere today, Powell is first a pragmatist and he knows McCain has the judgment and experience to improve our relations abroad; and do what’s right for our troops-something as the former Jt. Chiefs that Powell obviously cares about. I think a lot of smug Obamaniacs will be surprised when Powell endorses McCain.

  3. Christopher Wright

    Colin Powell is the #1 Republican I think. If he were to run he would win by a landslide!like a 80% landslide! If he endorses Obama, Obama will increase his lead cause some Republicans will switch…I wish Powell would of been the first African American to run for Presdient, but Obama will do for now even though hes ausome. Sorry McCain your time is up!You are the weakest link GOOBYE!And take your little soccer mom with you…

    Obama/Biden 08/12

  4. Jamie

    My father who is a staunch Republican has much respect for Colin Powell. I wonder if Powell endorses Obama, would he change his vote. I would like to think so. I too respect Powell. He got a raw deal by the current administration with fabricated intelligence. I however have never voted for any of the Republicans, EVER! I’m more interested in government “for the people, by the people” I am looking forward to November. I can feel the wind a blowin’ Like after the first rain when all is clean a fresh. Let wash this administration out. Clean house and start taking this country back……

  5. Jamie: The government Obama will bring with not be “for the people, by the people”. It will cradle to grave government. That is not I government I want.

    If Colin Powell were to announce his run for the President tomorrow, I would tear out the 3 McCain-Palin signs out of my yard, peel off the 4 bumper stickers on my car, take a leave of absence from work and ask “where is his campaign office and what can I do?”.

  6. Abraham Wallenberg

    Ferrell Gummitt…..you are entitled to an opinion but what are you looking at? I do appreciate you feeling that way about Colin Powell.

    I am a Republican of 65 years and will vote for Obama and I do hope that Colin Powell endorses him. As a product of a white father and a black mother, I do understand Barack and where he wants to take this country. I am not sure how anyone with a modicum of common sense and basic intelligence could ever convince anyone of the same ilk (common sense and intelligence) that Sarah Palin has the basic intelligence to run this country. She is a DITZ……and before she even gets anywhere, she has all this negative baggage following her (suspicion, ethics abuse, husband with secession tendencies, suspicion about her home builders, etc..etc….
    This was McCain’s first decision and his judgement was not a good one unless you are an extremist in the Republican party and you like her politics. McCain is all over the place and the EXTREMELY negative tone of his campaign, if that is what you want to call it, is abhorrent. I have no place in my life for that and I am sure many others don’t either. He says he is against negative campaigning and then citizens get nasty annoying phone calls espousing the same things he claims he is against. It is obvious that his campaign staff does not talk to him and if they do, it speaks even louder to his speaking out of both sides of his muth, which translates to me to be a lack of integrity. If he can’t manage and control a campaign staff, how can he ever hope to control the White House.
    We are in this financial mess because no one was watching the store and your man (Phil Graham) deregulated everything while Bonehead W stood by and did nothing because he was of the same mindset. Well, we are all in this mess and McCain and Bush do share the same ideology and mangement style and that is, they really know nothing about the economy, as your choice, McCain has stated so eloquently. I am lost as to how a man who knows nothing about the most pressing issue of our time would have the chutzpah to claim to want to take the highest office in our land while having no knowledge of how to address the most pressing issue of our lifetime.
    Sorry dude, that is not patriotism – it is narcissism…….you are thinking with the wrong part of your body…well, maybe you are not even thinking…

  7. Suzanne

    I truly hope that Powell does endorse Barack. He was the only one ever on the Bush team with any integrity. I would respect him even more had he walked out the day they decided to declare war on Iraq, but oh well. He knew he couldn’t stop them, and I imagine he thought he could moderate the situation in a positive way to minimize the damage.

    I’d be thrilled to see him in Obama’s cabinet as Secretary of Defense! I think he would welcome the chance to help fix the mess he was coerced into helping create.

    Obama/Biden ’08. The only sane choice.

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