Iowa GOP Candidate Terry Branstad On Wrong Side Of History, Demeans Gay People

The Iowa governor’s debate on Thursday brought up a point that again needs to be dispelled.

Republican candidate Terry Branstad made the following statement.

“The people of Iowa are the ones that should have the final say on this,” proclaimed Branstad. “They should be given the same opportunity as 31 other states and every state from Maine to California where it’s been on the ballot, the people have voted for it.”

That is just one truly stupid thing to say.

I have argued often on this blog about how ridiculous and demeaning it is to have to convince enough average voters to do the right thing regarding equality and civil rights.  No one else was forced to get enough dim wits to the polls to do the right thing for civil rights.  If the inter-racial marriage matter had been up for a vote in each state can any one of my readers tell me how that might have fared?   The only thing left to do is fight like hell, and not let the conservatives have an inch.   I know the tide of history is on my side, and the conservatives do to, but until there is an all-out victory these types of battles will be waged, and we must react with all the vigor and determination we can mount.  

Why the Republicans think they can over and over pull this card out of their deck and use it is most troubling.  To make political points at the expense of someone else’s civil rights is just deplorable.  Family values to them are a joke, and the use of this issue against loving gay couples is yet more proof.

Sadly, I am quite certain that Terry Branstad will prevail in the Iowa election.  I am also certain that history will judge him, and all those other conservatives who fail the test of decency most severely.

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