Thanks To Madison’s Mayryanne–And All Pick ‘N Save Employees–They Should Be Able To Accept Cash Tips

I want to take this opportunity to express my deep appreciation to someone who made a real difference in our lives.  For the first time, due to the pandemic, James and I used an in-store shopper and pick-up delivery to assist in buying our groceries.  We chose to use the Pick ‘N Save Shopko Drive location and that is where we met Mayryanne.  She brought out the items and assisted in getting them into our vehicle.

I know that she is but one representative of the many employees who do this work, not only at Pick ‘N Save, but also now for a host of grocery stores.  I also am aware that my appreciation is multiplied many times over by countless people who are so positively impacted by the work these men and women do at this time of national crisis.

All of us are living through a high level of angst, stress, and medical bewilderment. We try to follow the medical recommendations, and government orders. As such this was the first time in four weeks–to the day–that we ventured out and came in close range to another person. We take drives in the country and walk out where not another soul is to found, but we have shunned contact with anyone that does not live in our home.  We want to see the downward bend in this virus, and are doing our part, not just for ourselves, but for everyone.

Today we wore masks and gloves and took all the precautions,  but that only underscores the important role that Mayryanne, and others like her, are doing for folks like you and me.  Because we were so appreciative of this ease of purchasing groceries, and the way to get them home we wanted to tip Mayryanne for making our lives so much safer.  When we offered her some cash she stated not being able to accept a tip.

I’m not sure what policy was created to disallow people who are really making a significant contribution to the safety of others at this time of pandemic from excepting a tip.  In fact, I find it rather sad.  I’m sure there’s some high-level administrator within the grocery store chain that thought employees at this time taking a tip would somehow reflect poorly on their business.

Having Pick ‘N Save workers personal shop for customers and deliver the food bags to waiting vehicles is making a great contribution towards curtailing the spread of this disease and assisting in bending the curve.  The store should be proud of how they added staff at stores, and have a very easy-to-use computer system, to place orders and time of pick-up.   I can testify that their competitors have cumbersome systems for pick-up times, most of which resembled a lottery system.

Since I was not able to pass along a monetary tip, I instead take this opportunity to pay special attention and offer my sincere gratitude to Mayryanne for being there to assist us in getting groceries.  She may not have been able to except a financial tip but I want her to know she has received a public tip and our gratitude.

Thank you, Mayryanne!