Race-Baiting Is Part Of Trump’s Agenda, Ends Facebook Friend

On Sunday I had a spirited back-and-forth on Facebook with a man who I have known for going on 30 years.  We met in Madison and had a common appreciation for the Grand Ole Opry and classic country music.  He is even-keeled for the most part and it has been fun exchanging ideas on politics and cultural matters on social media as we live many miles apart.  But yesterday I was totally taken aback when he could not see–or willfully chose not to see–the racism that dripped from President Trump’s remarks in Alabama Friday night regarding professional athletes who take to their knee during the playing of the National Anthem.

While there can be differences of opinion–and how bland conversations would be if we all thought alike–there must be for rational discussion a realistic awareness of the facts regarding an issue. When that is missing there is reason to wonder why one refuses to know the facts, or glibly pretend they do not exist.   Such was the reason for my complete rejection of what he spun yesterday on FB about racism.

I am sad that the overt racism that runs through the Trump Administration seems lost to some.  How can it not be noticed by all that a most insidious racism plays out constantly from this governing team?  Race, after all, has been the overarching story of Trump’s political career and controversies. Consider:

  • His birther crusade against Barack Obama
  • His remark that Mexico sends “rapists” across the border
  • His call for a Muslim ban during the 2016 campaign
  • His attack on federal judge Gonzalo Curiel
  • His dust-up with the Khan family
  • His response to last month’s violence in Charlottesville, Va.

So it is hard for me to read comments on FB about those taking a knee at a football game and recall not only what Trump said this past week but also know of his controversies above and NOT conclude that this is about racism.

My Facebook friend knows too but plays a racial card that I can not any longer abide.   He was removed from my list last evening.

One thought on “Race-Baiting Is Part Of Trump’s Agenda, Ends Facebook Friend

  1. Nancy Palma

    There has never been a president in modern history who has divided people like this one. I refuse to be political on FaceBook for exactly that reason. It’s a sad state of affairs for sure.

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