Prediction: 2019 Time Person Of The Year

Over the past year, there has been a continuing undermining of the foundations of our republic.  One of the most insidious tactics used by Donald Trump, and his Republican supporters, is the sabotaging of truth.  To constantly use dishonesty as a political tool, and to besmirch reporters and news organizations who use facts to report and inform, has left our nation in a weakened state.

That is why there has been such a remarkable appreciation of, and attention paid to, the State Department employees who have stood up and spoken out about the abuse of power and the crippling impact of Trump’s partisan desires in Ukraine.   When citizens speak the truth and present themselves in honorable and forthright ways, in this time of a disreputable president and a  cowering and feckless Republican Party, the nation pays heed.  Because it stands out.  Because it is not something we get to see much anymore on a day-to-day basis.

Therefore, I predict that the 2019 Time Person of the Year will be the State Department Truth-Tellers who have proven to the nation that there are still bedrock values of honesty and virtue alive within this government.